Training when you can't train

Lockdown. You’re not alone.  Like most, it's probably affected your training schedule. Your gym has opened, closed, opened, closed. Unless you have been blessed with space and set up for a home gym, you’re like me and have been unable to get under the barbell. It’s often in these times when our mentality is tested most. How we continue to pick up where we left off.  These are the times when it’s easiest to give up being a lifter and form poor habits. If you are an intrinsically motivated person you won't need to make large changes. You’ve probably already started running, have purchased some kettlebells or replaced the barbell with other tools. However, if you’re not, you can utilise some of the following tips and tricks to keep yourself motivated. It's amazing how much volume you can accumulate through consistent and thoughtful daily activity.

Trust me, it's not this scary

Create a relationship between the things you enjoy doing and exercise 

Create positive reinforcement for yourself by doing exercise before you pick up your favourite hobbies, shows or video games. When you smash 5-15 minutes of exercise, you’ll feel incredible reward and enjoyment when you get to do the things you want to do.

Resistance bands

If you enjoy 8 cups of coffee a day, buy yourself a set of bands and place them near or on your kettle/coffee machine. Make these bands obnoxious, put them in doorways and out in the open. Make them annoy you. Make them not an option. There are hundreds of band resistance exercises you can do and by buying a set, you can set goals that match your skill level. Think of it like karate belts.

Skipping rope

If you want to up your cardio but hate running, buy a skipping rope. This is a useful tool that you can place on the things you like doing. If you’re working from home, place your skipping rope on your computer keyboard. You can’t turn the computer on until you’ve done your skipping. Every time you leave the room and come back, you know what time it is? It’s time to skip.

You can always make a rope of tears

Work on your weaknesses

If you’re anything like me, when you are training you often forget flexibility and cardio. The answers are hill sprints, calisthenics, pilates and yoga routines. Work through some simple static stretching routines to break up your day. Although unable to continue strength or hypertrophy programs as you would like, focussing on other weaknesses can be the next best thing. There are hundreds of free youtube programs that you can perform at any time of the day.

This seems like a beginner routine

Keep your mind healthy

Like the body, the mind needs consistent training. Start to read a book at breakfast or lunch and give yourself a break from the screens. It’s amazing how many books you can get through when you read daily. 

When you're building consistent momentum in your training sessions, it can feel like you’ve been set back weeks or months. It is hard. However, as a lifelong lifter, a few weeks or months aren't as impactful as you might believe. People have been getting bigger, stronger and fitter for a long time without the use of barbell weights and gym machines. It will just take a little bit more time, a little bit more thought, and a little bit more motivation to do it when you're in the comfort of your own home.


  1. You can always get a dog. Cold and bad weather never deters them and i am actually enjoying a bracing walk in the dark with an enthusiastic dog.

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