Finding the need

 In our time of relative modern peacefulness, we can consume nearly anything we want on-demand. Anything, except physical activity. This is the one activity that cannot be cheated, bought or bartered. If you’re a relatively dormant person, the thought of physical activity can be despairingly impossible. Besides feeling your body crumble from lack of use, or succumbing to heart failure at an earlier age, being big and strong simply isn’t a necessity anymore. But in times of War being physically unfit meant death. Not being big and strong not only meant you lost your life, it also meant your family was enslaved or killed. Perhaps this lack of life or death crisis has created an existential weakness in most of first-world society as we simply have lost the dire circumstances required for serious training. 

Crumbling to dust is a serious health issue

If you can stir up your internal emotions to feel like going to the gym is a matter of life or death, then you will go. And it already is, because often irreversible damage is done to most as they gorge and consume their way through every waking moment. When the doctor finally says they should start to do some activity, it is already too late. The years have been permanently removed from their life-span. Your heart, lungs and organs are irreparably affected by the decisions you make. 

A pair of very healthy lungs

If you’re having trouble getting moving in the workplace, the easiest method I’ve found is to simply ask your manager to take a walk with you. While leaving the office on a 20 minute walk by yourself can feel daunting (everyone in the office will think I'm slacking), simply ask someone with a bit of power to join you. You can never get into deep water because you know whoever is with you will have your back. And now, not only have you now added some additional activity into your own life but you've also positively impacted theirs too. Move your one-on-one coffee catch-ups to a walk, or better yet, make all your meetings mobile. The immeasurable benefits of simple, consistent activity are yours for the taking. It's never too late to start. For your own sake. Start today. It will be a truly transformational experience. Your health, happiness, and lifestyle will be affected in ways that you cannot imagine by simple and consistent physical activity. Your future self will thank you.

Is a whole bottle of spiced rum good for me?

To the people who have been thinking about training seriously, start now. Start a proper program. Start training with meaning. Become big and strong not because you have to, but because you want to. Because if war came knocking on your door, would you be ready to fight?


  1. Are you writing this for me as I sit here and eat a chocolate biscuit for supper!


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