The Book of Five Rings

The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi

On the surface this book is a method for perfecting the use of the long and short sword in martial combat. However this book is also a masterful reflection of Musashi’s life with timeless ideas related to business, psychology, philosophy, and life. The author Musahi wrote this book at the age of 60 having dueled more than sixty opponents without defeat. He took thirty years to reflect on his successful combat career and continued to study the science of martial arts and military science throughout the rest of his life. This book is a powerful insight into the thoughts of a man who truly understood the immense benefits of experience and reflection. The Book of Five Rings is an intimate diary of Musashi’s Way. I would recommend this book to any who practice martial arts, combat sports or are competitive in nature. I would recommend this book to any who wish to understand the philosophy of a successful warrior. Interestingly, Musashi died a few weeks after writing this book. 

A step by step guide to become this

Be simple, be effective

Musashi had a very direct, honest fighting style. His advice was to focus on the true objective of martial arts. To defeat your opponent. Any action that did not carry power to this objective was a waste of energy, and would create flaws in your Way that would ultimately result in defeat. Defeat your opponent through any means possible. Every stroke of your blade should be made with the intent to kill. Even a defensive reaction should be made with the intent to kill your opponent. Use simple and proven ideas. Be a master of the fundamentals, a complete fighter not reliant on any one technique, and one who has minimized their weaknesses and understands their strengths. Polish your particular way, and through experience and reflection you will find success. In martial combat, defeat means death. This is a very simple idea that must be studied thoroughly.

Everyone is calm until they get a hammer to the face

The small can be applied to the large

Musashi believed that techniques applied in combat against one man would be effective at scale. From one against one, to one against many, to many against many, for Musashi, they are the same. The art of martial combat and military science was one that Musashi reflected on thoroughly. He understood that the intent of the small scale can be applied to the large. In our modern world, you can see this with modern, globally-scaled business. This idea is how 

Uber started with a pilot in a few cities, improved their customer and driver onboarding process, and then scaled their process globally. This idea is how Amazon mastered innovation. It is how they took their creative ideas, and expanded their innovation across sectors, markets and countries. Focus on the key idea. Perfect the fundamentals, and apply them at scale. You should reflect on this idea thoroughly.

These guys know what I'm talking about

You must do, to be

If you do not undertake practical application of your knowledge, then the only thing you are going to improve is your reading. If you want to become a great reader, you read. Nothing can benefit you more than the practical application of your knowledge. You can watch many deadlift technique videos, and correctly critique the form of a man who can deadlift 220kg. But ultimately, that man has lifted a weight that perhaps you could only dream of. Your knowledge is meaningless. And if not to benefit yourself, why did you spend your time learning? Even if you help others, their own practical experience will be immeasurably more insightful than your good-natured words of wisdom, especially coming from someone who lacks practical understanding. If you want to become a great fighter, you fight. If you want to become a great lifter, you must lift. You cannot be a shepherd without sheep. You should reflect on this idea thoroughly.


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