Create WOW moments

When trying to build good products, run events or just impress people, there's nothing that can beat a wow moment. A moment that raises heart rates and widens eyes. A moment that gives people the feeling like they’re glimpsing into the future. They are the magician’s final trick. They are also the explanation afterwards that allows the audience to feel a part of it. They’re the moment when it all makes sense, and when everything comes together. 

This is what they call an "Oh Shit" moment

In real estate, it’s the main photo on the For Sale board. In art, it’s the first work you see as you turn the corner in an exhibition. In tech, it’s the main feature that saves weeks of manual process. In business, it’s the unicorn company that scales from nowhere. There is no specific factor that creates a wow moment. It’s a combination of nostalgia, wonder and amazement. It’s the contrast between the now and the everyday normal. It’s the difference-maker. 

Sometimes less is more

When looking to create a wow moment, you must think of how people will respond on their first viewing. That’s the only time you can really achieve a wow moment. You rarely get the opportunity for a re-do. If you don’t win them over then and there, then you’ve missed the mark. It’s good to reflect on your own arsenal of possible wow moments. How can you leave the best impression on others? When creating, where are the eyes drawn first?

The definition of peacocking
These wow moments don’t have to be priceless, expensive experiences. They can be as simple as the reveal of the bride as she walks down the aisle. It’s the sun setting over the ocean. It’s being a part of something. It’s sitting with friends around a campfire. It’s playing with your parents at the park as a child. It’s the view from the top of the highest mountains. Some people spend their whole lives chasing these moments across the world. And there's nothing wrong with that. Most of our fondest memories are created in wow moments. They’re the times in our life worth remembering. And if you want to be a hit, you should try and create more of these moments for others. Be generous with them. Remember, the more you create, the more you are a part of.


  1. A wow moment can be as simple as I love you or a surprise. It doesn't have to be expensive. It can be saying hello in your friends native language.

  2. I'm looking forward to a WOW moment when we all meet up again in April


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