Don't take the magic out of it

It’s just a river, it’s just a tree. It’s just a song. It’s just food. It’s just a rainbow. It’s just a book by an author. It’s just a painting in a building. You can simplify anything wonderful to a point where it’s unimaginative and dull. It’s so easy to take the joy and magic out of what makes life special. So we should be very careful that we avoid this slippery and soulless slope. It’s easy to get sucked into not being grateful for what we have. 

Why is it always a bunny and never a pterodactyl

Just because we do something everyday doesn’t mean it has to be monotonous or unexciting. It just takes more effort to keep it exciting. Often when we feel the world is dull and lifeless, it’s merely a reflection of our own internal struggles. It’s how we start to look at things when we suffer from a lack of purpose, or lack of spark. But it doesn’t have to be this way, as long as we stay mindful and grateful of our surroundings.

The tax man looking through your transaction accounts

When things are going great everything seems sharper and more vibrant. We smell and breathe deeper. We enjoy social events for the sake of connection and form deeper relationships. It’s because we’re taking everything in. We live and breathe life.

The new never snore again device

An easy way to feel better is to brighten up your daily tasks. Cook something new and fresh, and gather the ingredients from a local food market. Ask the shopkeepers the recipe for their favourite foods. We need to remind ourselves sometimes that life isn’t a conveyor belt of time, simply passing us by. We must be active participants. Love the joy of walking through a market for fresh produce, of smelling and seeing and tasting and breathing. Love the process.


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