With a great plan, comes great execution

They say hard work beats lazy talent, but you certainly won’t make it to the end of a race if you paddle in the wrong direction. There’s a good reason why slow and steady wins the race, and it has nothing to do with speed. By being slow and steady, you have time to weigh up your options. You can plan, and create in your mind a strong vision for your path to victory. There’s a reason why great champions act like they are champions long before they get the belt.  

With proper planning, a truck will eventually bring this bridge down

With a proper plan, great obstacles can be overcome with ease. Opportunity costs can be weighed up. The appropriate resources can be gathered to execute on the strategy in the most efficient way possible. A strong vision will beat mindless performance. You should always be able to envision what your own peak performance looks like. What does it look and feel like when everything goes right? What’s your ‘on a best day’? Without this foresight, or pretence of peak performance, it becomes much harder to achieve your next level of power. 

This kid has already has finished an 8 year course

You should be able to always picture the best possible case scenario. How do you get there? Is it dumb luck? Is it a clear path? Which path is the easiest? Which parts do you need help with? How do you spend your energy? What are you really good at? How can you optimize yourself within a team? You should be able to visualise your success. Taste it, see it, smell it. You should live your dreams before you realise them.


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