Add the dimension of time to your goals

We have a tendency to oversimplify and to reduce data down to be easily quantifiable. We have a tendency to think and report in the now. We miss out on the biggest data point of all, time. True insight is gained when we can measure the difference between how things are against how things were. We can track these data points over time and form trendlines. Trendlines are great for helping us understand if things are moving in the direction that we want. We can see when we are going to meet certain goals and targets, and visualise outliers in our performance. 

Some things only ever go up

Generally, goals are specific to a point in time where we set a metric or target for ourselves. But what does that goal tell you about the future? What does it tell you about the past? Trendline goals can give you a good indication of how you’ll perform in the future. For example, if you set a target growth of 7%, once you achieve this target, your performance should theoretically continue to exceed this target if you keep your upward trajectory.

Will the house ever return to earth?

For short term plans, simplified goals are best. For long term plans and ideas, you need to include the dimension of time. Without it, you’re only looking at a drop of water instead of the whole ocean. Measuring and understanding how to involve the rate of change in your favourite metrics is important, as we don’t live in a two dimensional world. 


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