It never gets easier

As we continue to learn and develop skills in an area, we expect that at some point, everything becomes easy. At some level of mastery, we feel that we should be able to reap the rewards of our hard work. But in truth, it never really gets easier. Of course, your beginner fundamentals do improve, and to the layman it may look effortless. But there’s always another barrier to overcome, another mountain to climb that’s just as tall and just as hard as when you’re first learning. In fact, as you get better, the opposite occurs. The way forward becomes less clear. There are less people around you to guide and mentor you on your path to success. There are less low hanging fruits to pick off the improvement tree.

When wrestling a gorilla, you stop when the gorilla is tired, not when you're tired

The grass always seems green when we look at someone at the top of their skill. It always looks effortless and easy. It’s hard to grasp the countless hours spent alone practicing. The sacrifices made. The life of experience required to make their decisions with the speed and accuracy in the way they do. And how do they improve now? How do they squeeze the last drop of improvement out of the pinnacle of their careers?

This is a good place to practice flying a kite

Those who seek darkness will experience brighter lights. These are the individuals that seek out challenges relentlessly. They don’t look for easy. They look for the next improvement to make. They look for the next barrier to overcome. Continuous effort is the only distinguishing factor between the do and the do not’s. Continuous effort breeds continuous results. So don’t expect it to get any easier, because it won’t. But neither should you want it to.


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