Beware the know it all industry

There are a few industries where pretty much any advice is good advice. These are industries where no matter what you say, it will pretty much work. These industries breed beginners masquerading as experts and are full of an overwhelming amount of meaningless and generally unhelpful content. When anything is right, it’s hard to be wrong. It gives people false confidence in themselves and their knowledge. 

This random off the street only started lifting yesterday, it's that easy!

Take the lifting industry as an example where anything works. Doing basically anything consistently over time will give you results. And when results don’t manifest quickly, it can be hard to prove someone wrong. How do you prove that advice was bad 12 or 18 months later? Unless you get immediately injured, it’s rare to come back in 12 months and say no, that didn’t work, can I get my money back? There are just too many variables in between to put the blame on someone, or some advice that was given. And when everything is right, how can you judge the degree of how right it is?

This famous rapper says all you need to do is drink a glass of chocolate milk everyday

Be wary of these industries and the advice given by those inside them. It’s not that they may have the wrong advice, but they are not challenged on a regular enough basis to really understand the weight of their advice to your given circumstance. Because being correct is so easy, you shouldn’t need much more than the basics. From there, take yourself to the next level with your own trial and error. Sometimes, there are no shortcuts.


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