Built to change

We used to build things to last. Now we build things to change. No longer do we need things to hold together until the end of time, but for them to be able to adapt to the everchanging environment around us. Technology is advancing at an exponential rate, leaving behind anything that isn’t compatible to change. We are moving fast and so the products we build need to as well.

They still work, but they can't tell you the footy score

Make sure you build something that requires the least amount of work for the most amount of possible change. The
 future is impossible to predict and therefore we must be honest in our ability to futureproof. So what can we control? We can build modular systems with clearly defined bespoke parts. We can build with consistency, so that any inconsistency in our work is purposeful and screams to be noticed. We can make the parts of the whole easily replaceable for upgrade.

Just paint over it, nobody will know

Hold yourself to high standards. Document everything for future you, or for future replacements of you. When someone comes to you with a task, make sure you think it through from many perspectives. Focus on the product’s ability to change, its ability to handle new features, functions and scale. The focus has shifted from building the best thing for now to building the something that is the most resilient to change.


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