Don't fail at the end

 On a long journey, we can get tired. We know we are so close to the end, but our feet just can’t seem to find the finish line. We can feel like we are fighting uphill, like a slow motion punch in a nightmare that you just don’t have the energy to throw. But the end is not the time to give up, nor to tire. We must find a way to re-invigour ourselves. To go that extra step. To test and retest. To ensure that every t is crossed and every i is dotted. To uncover any final weaknesses in our approach, or in our delivery.  

His walking pace is your sprinting pace

When you’re so close to the end of a project, don’t delay or detour, or pat yourself on the back before you’ve finished. Don’t brag or boast until the project is finished. Make sure that you pull up your pants and press onwards, to completion. And then you can rest, then you can sit in your trophy room with a scotch and a cigar. Once you’re finally done, you can look over your achievements proudly. Once you’re finally done, you can reflect on the journey that was.

This poor girl is already losing her vision

It’s always easy in hindsight. To want the chance to do it all again is a fool's dream. The champions press on, to the next project, to the next deadline. They take what they’ve learnt and they apply it to the next roadblock, the next mistake. So don’t leave anything behind the finish line, make sure you sprint to the victorious end.


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