What can I say?

 Ever find yourself a bit bored for the first hour or so at every party you go to? You’re probably doing the rounds, repeating the usual small talk conversation with each person. Repeating the part that’s boring in a conversation over and over again. It’s the small talk catchup at the start of the night that makes everyone feel like you’re pulling hair out. So why don’t we skip straight to the part that’s fun?

How you feel when the scam caller gets angry at you

The best conversationalists don’t wait until the alcohol has sunk in. They deftly navigate to interesting questions or topics. They bring conversation to the table that puts a spark in your eye and a laugh in your belly. There’s a reason why you click with some people more than others. It’s because they skip the tedious nothing conversation and get to what you really enjoy. The topics that intrigue, the debates or opinions you can either get behind or disagree with. They bring memories to reminisce or future plans to indulge in. 

Usually on cake, try adding them to your conversations too

Conversation should be fun, it should be lively. It should be emotive. So next time you’re out or you see an old friend, skip the low hanging conversational fruit. Avoid the weather like the plague, and keep the ‘what have you been up to’s’ brief. Ask some interesting questions or get the other party started on a topic that interests them. There’s nothing like talking trees with an arborist or discussing the best chalet spots with a keen skier.


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