Face the master to become the master

There are some lessons that can only be learned by putting your hand on a hot stove. Of getting hit in the face until you see stars. These are physical, practical lessons that you’re not quick to forget. But another really important way to learn quickly is by placing yourself against the best. These are deep, conceptual learnings that come by placing your skills against tougher opponents. Of putting in your all, coming up short and going back to the drawing board. Nothing puts your ego into check like facing someone who is levels beyond your game. 

You don't learn to lasso in Antarctica

To become a master, you must first make the same mistakes of those who have come before you. You must think the same way, behave the same way, and best emulate their footsteps. But your goal and primary objective is to do it at a faster rate than they did. Doing this, will give you the foundational understanding you require, and the time and space and longevity that allows innovation. The best way to do this is to surround yourself with people better than yourself. To learn, to watch, to study.

How you should feel

Learning from those better than you, you can reach lightbulb moments that may otherwise have taken years of conceptual thinking. These moments arrive when you’re under the most extreme pressures. So make sure you’re putting yourself in those situations, finding out where your true weaknesses are. There’s no point being a dog amongst sheep, when you want to be a wolf.


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