Splash your face with water

As adaptive creatures we are very good at moulding our performance to the environment we are given. Because of this, if we leave ourselves in a stable environment for too long, it can cause our performance to plateau. Adaptation breeds repetition. This pattern can leave us feeling unable to progress without understanding why. Sometimes you need to shake your surroundings up to find new perspectives and reinvigorate your mind, body and soul.

This looks refreshing

Put an Englishman in the Aussie sun and he’ll soon turn a bright shade of tomato. Keep him there for a few months and his bronze colour will soon allow him to fit right in with the locals. Only a shock to the system creates a violent change. It creates chaos and opportunity. Play against the same players in a game and you’ll become wildly adept at countering their gameplay. But finding yourself against fresh opponents will have you rethinking your game theory and understanding at a deeper level. The changes in your environment will unlock new levels of nuance and better overall strategy.

Which one fires all the nukes?

Don’t feel down for allowing yourself to get into an activity rut. It is human nature to become more efficient (which means doing less). Sometimes all we need is a shock,  like a swim in cold water or a fresh ocean breeze. Find something that reinvigorates your ideas and re sharpens the edges of your mental knives.


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