A reflection on watches

A watch contains a tiny universe of precision engineering, ticking away with rhythmic harmony. Intricate gears representing the complexity of human ingenuity. The beauty of mechanical watch movements goes far beyond its mechanical prowess. A watch can mean different things to everyone, as a gift, collectible, memory, or promise. Just like the time it keeps, each watch is unique to the user.

I don't even think this guy has a watch

There's something deeply satisfying about the tangible and tactile nature of mechanical watch movements. The feeling of winding the crown, the satisfying click of the gears engaging, and the rhythmic beat creates a complete sensory experience. It’s something that we are missing when faced with flat screens and button-less touch displays. No longer are we engaging with all of our senses. Our haptic feedback loops are beginning to dull.

Not an illusion, this is the watch design

A watch keeps order from chaos by keeping you in sync with billions of others in the world. It keeps you on time. It reminds us to be present, and to slow down. A watch is a personal experience that can help us cultivate a deeper connection with time and our own existence. Time passes, as do we, and the watches of the world will keep ticking.


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