Find friends that say no

A group of yes friends can be just as problematic as the blind leading the blind. These people only know how to encourage, support and push you in the same direction you already want to go. This is generally pretty good, but sometimes it can lead you to seeing your ideas through rose coloured glasses. Sometimes you need someone to say no, to question you, to take you from the dream clouds and bring you back to reality. 

Surely one of them is a good leader?

Sometimes a no from those trusted and close to us will hold much more value than a yes. They aren’t stopping you from moving forward, but they might question any bias you may have. It may cause you to understand your risks better, or to weigh up the challenges of your choices more. Sometimes we need to be prompted by others to see things from a new, and better perspective.

Some rabbit holes are not worth looking into

Saying no can be supportive. We need to always have those people who will tell us exactly as they see it. These are the people we should hold in high esteem. The ones we come to with a crazy idea, and they spot the holes in the dream straight away. Not to put us down, but to force us to polish our ideas with resilience. These are the people to build long-lasting empires with.


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