About this blog


These posts will be about my own journey as a lifter, with writing that I hope inspires, reassures and gives guidance to those who need it.

Lifting has always been a staple in my life and something that I don’t think I could live without.

I’ve always played competitive sports, and I find lifting to be the most competitive sport that I’ve ever played. Except with lifting, the only competition you have is yourself. Set your own expectations, time frames, goals and aspirations.

The gym teaches you so much about yourself, your life and those around you. It is extremely rare that you find yourself in a place where you are surrounded by people at differing stages of the same journey. You see the group of young teens curling their first 10kg dumbbells, the chalked and belted powerlifter deadlifting 250kg, and the oldies who just come for a bit of a chat. You see all ages, shapes, sizes and skill levels. It's a place where you are immediately confronted with who you are, who you were and who you could become.


These posts will be a reminder for me to read, to learn, and to apply lessons learnt practically in my day to day life.

I will take inspiration from a self help or philosophical book that I've read. This will keep me accountable to reading more books, and help better digest what I've read. This will also give me the ability to quickly reflect on my own effectiveness of implementing these learnings when I reflect on blogs in the future. 

I love to learn, and I love to read. I think the two go hand in hand and have helped more in my developmental years than I could ever know. Reading is a window into the soul of the past, present, and hope for the future. Sadly, as I’m getting older I’m finding less and less time to look through that window.

I hope that you find something interesting, useful or fun from the learning sections of this blog and that we are both inspired to look through the window that reading offers more often.


The life posts of the blog will be a collection of my thoughts, insights and questions. I might structure them somehow, to provide some sort of wise message or tasty quote, or maybe I won’t. I’m simply not sure. Either way, I will provide some semblance of interesting and thought provoking thoughts as you read along my journey.


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